Project AD-01 – Art Defines Zero One®
A human made Android Sculpture by freaky-Deek
At the heart of every technological leap forward lies art, and Project AD-01 embodies this profound connection. This remarkable android represents more than just a creation; it serves as a powerful symbol, showcasing the immense power of artistry and creativity. Moreover, it serves as a poignant reminder that art and technology are not mutually exclusive but rather can harmoniously coexist, generating something truly enchanting.
Within the realm of Project AD-01, the robotic bust acts as a catalyst, urging us to preserve our humanity in an increasingly automated world. As our environment becomes more reliant on efficiency and automation, this awe-inspiring creation stands as a testament to the value of embracing our human essence. As we unveil Project AD-01, the visionary artist, freaky-Deek, embarks on a captivating journey, inviting individuals to delve deeper into the profound significance of his sculptures and videos. With each intricately crafted piece, there lies a hidden narrative that extends beyond what initially meets the eye. Prepare to be captivated by an artistic experience that transcends boundaries and invites you to explore the limitless possibilities of robotic art, android art, and the harmonious coexistence of art and technology.

Inspired Sculpture That Brings Humanity to AI Technology
MODELs DF-1L1 and DF-1P1
Meet Flux, the extraordinary handmade robot from Project AD-01, skillfully crafted by renowned sculptor and videographer, freaky-Deek. Unlike digital images, Flux is a tangible 3-dimensional marvel, exuding a warm and curious human quality. With captivating light-up eyes and a futuristic energy tube design, Flux combines art and technology seamlessly. As a standout piece in an ongoing series, Flux symbolizes the convergence of art and robotics. This remarkable creation, part of the DF-1P1 model, promises to infuse energy and inspiration into any collection. Explore the perfect blend of creativity and innovation with Flux, a unique addition that resonates with art and technology enthusiasts worldwide.
The 1P1 series of Project AD-01
Made to illumiate your mind

Created by the visionary artist freaky-Deek, these handcrafted sculptures will ignite your curiosity and leave you yearning to uncover their secrets. Prepare to be mesmerized as you delve into the intricate details of these limited-edition android busts.
In a more and more automated environment that challenges us to be more efficient. Now, freaky-Deek is launching Project AD-01 with the vision to encourage people to dig deeper as his sculptures and videos provide more than meets the eye.
A testament to our intricate dance with technology.
MODELs DJ-1L1 and DJ-1P1
Individuality and Uniqueness – A reminder of doing things the hard way
MODELs DT-1L1 and DT-1P1
In an era driven by rapid evolution, it’s easy to forget the beauty and value of craftsmanship. That’s why I made Project AD-01 by hand. Sculpted at a 1:2 ratio with polymer clay accompanied by custom electrical work, this sculpture is meant to stand as a testament to the enduring artistry that emerges from human touch.
Let this highlight the need for mindful coexistence within an increasingly dehumanizing world.
Let it comment on the relationship between strength and vulnerability to weave a narrative that celebrates our resilience.
Let it be our reminder to stay human.

A Personal note:
Each sculpture in the Project AD-01 lineup is crafted by hand, numbered, and signed, making it a unique piece for collectors. Created in limited runs, every sculpture is painted with attention to detail and designed to resonate with those who appreciate the fusion of art and technology.
These sculptures are not only individual works of art but also rare collectibles, designed for those who seek pieces with distinct craftsmanship and an exclusive edge.
In today’s day and age artists get stomped over by corporations, automations, and even other artists who seem to devalue the hard work that goes into the creation of ideas, worlds and visuals.
Project AD-01 is supposed to be a counterpart to that sentiment where 3D print, AI and general devaluation of long hours of thinking and handcrafting has become underestimated and laughed upon as inefficient, inaccurate and too expensive.
But who are we as a human race anymore if we don’t value the very emotional and personal viewpoints and creative vision of people anymore?
Let this work be a reminder of our humanity in a more and more dehumanizing world!
Let it be a reminder of emotions in a workplace where it is all about outcome and numbers.
Let it be a reminder of doing things the hard way.
Let it be a reminder of creating and not „ripping off“ of others work
Let it be a reminder of the beauty of Science Fiction, envisioned by people, not automatically assembled by a committee or an algorithm.
Let it be a reminder of the physicality of collectibles instead of NFTs
Let it be a reminder to assist each other, and not being of assistance for a machine.
We are human – let us stay human!